Spring 2 2019/20
Family Maths
We invited parents to join in with our maths lesson on division. The children loved working together with their parents.
Design and Technology- Wheels and Axles
In DT, we learned about different wheel and axle mechanisms and then made our own moon buggy's. Take a look at our finished products.
Martin Mere
We visited Martin Mere to consolidate learning about birds from the previous term and to see birds in their natural habitat.
Spring term 2 2020
Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. Read on to find out what we will be up to.
In our RWI lessons, pupils will continue to be grouped by their reading level. Phonics, speaking and listening, reading and writing are all taught within the programme.
We will start the half term with measurement, choosing the appropriate standard units and equipment to measure length and mass of objects. We will move onto addition and subtraction of two digit numbers and looking at fractions of a shape and amount. Finally we will be learning about position, direction and time.
Our Science topic this half term is materials. We will be identifying and comparing the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard for particular uses and finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
In History we will be learning about the lives of significant people in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. We will learn about Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong, their lives, their achievements and how this has impacted on our lives.
In DT, we will be designing and making a moon buggy. We will explore how existing vehicles move and will learn different ways of making a vehicle move using a chassis, wheels and axles. We will design our own moving moon buggy, make it and evaluate our final product.
Our RE unit this half term is Easter: How do symbols help us to understand the story. Key questions include, why is Easter the most important festival in the Christian calendar? and why has this symbol been chosen to represent that?
In PSHE, we will continue our learning on relationships.
In PE we will be doing tennis and practising fundamental movement skills. We will also continue to do dance with our specialist teacher Helen.
Our computing units are called ‘Effective Searching’ and ‘Making Music’. The objectives we will cover are:
- To understand the terminology associated with searching.
- To gain a better understanding of searching on the Internet.
- To create a leaflet to help someone search for information on the Internet.
- To be introduced to making music digitally using 2Sequence. To explore, edit and combine sounds using 2Sequence.
- To add sounds to a tune they’ve already created to change it. To think about how music can be used to express feelings and create tunes which depict feelings.
- To upload a sound from a bank of sounds into the Sounds section. To record their own sound and upload it into the Sounds section. To create their own tune using the sounds which they have added to the Sounds section.