Week 1 - Beginning 4.1.21
Home Learning - Friday 8th January 2021
Home Learning - Thursday 7th January 2021
Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021
Mummification Video
Hello Orange Class, we have heard that some of you are struggling to view the link in today's home learning for our History Topic. As a backup, we have recorded a video of what the link would have taken you to so that you can still continue with your home learning. Don't forget, if you do have any issues with your home learning, the adults at home can email Mr Edgar or you can email Mr Edgar using 2Email in Purple Mash.
Here is a video link which will help also. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-social-studies-ks2-mummification-in-ancient-egypt/zdcrkmn
It discuss and looks at the process of mummification.
Here is a video link which will help also. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-social-studies-ks2-mummification-in-ancient-egypt/zdcrkmn
It discuss and looks at the process of mummification.
Spellings error
Hello Orange Class, just to update you. We have noticed an error with your spelling work for today on prefixes mis- and re-. The top answer can use both prefixes re- and mis-. If you enter mistake you will get the correct answer. mistake - They made a mistake in their working out. retake - The boy had to retake the picture with his camera.