Spring 2
Spring 2: Animal Antics
Medium Term Plan
This medium term plan is subject to change, following children's interests and responses to activities and learning.
Home Learning
Below is the Homework Matrix sent out for Spring 2 23-24. These activities should be done, if you wish to do some, alongside the expected reading and 'RWI Home Learning' each week.
Spring 2: Enrichment
Spring 2: Learning Updates
Polar Animals
We have learnt lots of interesting facts while learning about Polar Animals.
We focused on two animals, one which lives in the Arctic and one which lives in the Antartic. Ask your child which of these animals lives in which Polar Region. Ask them what facts they can remember about the animals and the Polar Region they live in.

Under The Sea
We have been learning about lots of different types of animals. We learnt about Sea Animals in Week 2 and enjoyed listening to a very cool song to get us in the Sea Creature learning zone. You might recognise the song too...
Jungle Animals & Mother's Day
It just so happened that the week we learnt about Jungle Animals, including Monkeys, was the week leading up to Mother's Day. This perfectly leant itself to reading a particular book which is all about Mum's and introduced us to lots of different Jungle Animals. Which animals can you spot again when watching the story below?