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Burnley St Peter's

C of E Primary School

Bubble closure home learning

Bubble Closure

Home learning will be posted on here for the next two weeks. Home learning is compulsory and any online learning will be monitored. Each day I will attach the overview of learning for the day along with any other documents you may need.


Thank you

Miss Wilkinson 

My Maths

Guidance for parents
Your child has been registered on the MyMaths website. This should help them to structure their
maths work and enable you to see how they are progressing. The following information will help you support your child in accessing and using MyMaths.


How to access MyMaths
Go to and login at the top of the page with the school's username and password. On the next page your child should enter their personal username and password in the My Portal box. MyMaths will then remember who they are and automatically log them in to the tasks.


Login Details
The school username is: burnley
The school password is: star1
Your personal username is: (on the inside of your child's reading record)
Your personal password is: (on the inside of your child's reading record)


If you do not have your child's login details, please email me or ring the school office.


Parliament Week

This week is Parliament Week! All are classes are learning:

  • An introduction to how UK Parliament works
  • What MPs do
  • The work of members of the House of Lords
  • How laws are made


As we are isolating, I have attached some information for you to read about Parliament with an adult and a quiz.

Home learning- Firework pictures created on Purple Mash

Bubble Closure

Home learning will be posted on here for Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st October. Home learning is compulsory and any online learning will be monitored. Each day I will attach the overview of learning for the day along with any other documents you may need.


Thank you

Miss Wilkinson 

Bubble Closure letter to parents

Bubble Closure letter to parents
